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10 reasons to rent healthcare textiles

While hygienic and comfortable healthcare textiles and their maintenance is an absolute requirement in the healthcare industry, it is a time-, money- and energy-consuming process for hospitals and medical clinics to manage in-house.

Renting healthcare textiles enables the top management of healthcare organisations to work efficiently, focus on and shine in their core business – excellence in patient care. The textile RENTENANCE services (rental + maintenance) will take care of the end-to-end process of sourcing, sizing & fitting, transportation, laundry, repairs & maintenance, storage, and the disposal of textiles. The comprehensive one-stop-shop of textile rental services takes care not only of doctors’ and nurses’ uniforms but also medical scrubs, linen, patient wear, mats, and washroom solutions.

Here are 10 Reasons why healthcare industry operators need a rental textile partner

  1.  To ensure the safety and comfort of your personnel in everyday operations

It brings peace of mind to healthcare companies’ top management when their medical personnel and patients feel safe and comfortable in hygienically clean, sustainable garments and accessories specially tailored for them. Lightweight, breathable textiles like Lindström’s enhance caregiver comfort and patient experience.

  1. To strengthen your brand image

Healthcare specialised rental workwear is designed in accordance with fashion, a modern look and strong brand image considerations. While helping to distinguish care personnel from others, it also promotes a unified brand look, strengthening your corporate identity. 

  1. To zero your upfront costs and save your capital expenditure

An industry-specialised rental textile partner with plug-and-play on-boarding services helps you to launch your operations fast and cost-efficiently. A growth partner like Lindstrom invests in your textile needs when you expand your existing business operations or even make a completely new setup. This enables you to free up your finances, which can be deployed more efficiently to further develop your core operations.

  1. To optimise stock management via digitally supported textiles

Tracking, locating, and planning for textile needs can be tiresome. Unless you have a digitally supported solution that enables you to review the textiles in use, and to plan according to the fluctuations of demand. Then the entire process becomes easy to manage, transparent and streamlined. Digitally supported RFID tagged textiles enable you to avoid unnecessary piles of stocks, save you money, and ensure the best hygienic conditions of your textiles as well. In the long run, data collected and analysed over a period of time provide predictability and allow the optimisation of products in circulation, make you cost-efficient and improve stock management of the overall process.

  1. To ensure round the clock availability of textiles

Work in the healthcare sector is never over. Especially in hospitals, the need for workwear especially is constant. Amidst an ever-changing sequence of shifts, personnel continuously need clean and hygienic garments the moment they come to work. A digitally supported rental textile service will help to ensure that the right amount and size of textiles is always available, regardless of the amount of users or seasonal considerations.

  1. To manage your textile inventory

A rental textile management tool like eLindstrom is designed to provide you with real-time visibility of your textiles, and thus facilitates the inventory management process. Order, replace, repair, return and any other service request is just a click away.

  1. To ensure a micro-biological quality standard in your operations

Mandatory RABC (Risk Analysis Bio-contamination Control System) EN 14065  compliance for rental textile service providers guarantees that you automatically get the required pre-set level of microbiological quality when partnering up with a rental textile service provider. Agar-based swab tests taken at an industrial laundry ensure infection control in your operations.

  1. To customise reports to meet audit compliances

Your rental textile partner can provide support with specific textile-related or process-related reports for your audit requirements.

  1. To standardise textile operations across different sites

When it comes to the regional and global operations of healthcare companies, textile rental services go the extra mile to ensure brand identity and common operational standards and practices worldwide, thus, providing extra value.

  1. To take care not only of patients but the planet as well

Renting textiles is not only user-friendly but an eco-friendly and sustainable choice as well. Partnering up with a rental textile provider enables you to reduce your environmental impact by opting for textiles that are optimised for raw material acquisition & manufacturing, transportation & maintenance according to your tailored needs, and purpose of use.

Want to know more about our rental textile partnership and how it can serve your organisational needs? We’re at your service! 

Head of Healthcare India , Lindstrom

Lindström Group