Hand hygiene is the best protection against viruses
Towel roll dispensers placed in public facilities guarantee that every user gets their own clean towel to maintain good hand hygiene. Research has shown that Lindström’s certified cotton towel roll service helps guarantee optimal hygiene.
Careful drying of hands after washing has a significant effect on hand hygiene. It plays an important role in preventing virus infections. Independent studies have proven single-use cotton hand towels to be hygienic method for drying hands.
99.99 percent of bacteria was removed from hands that were washed and then dried with a cotton towel. This figure meets the requirement set in the European Hygienic Handwash Standard (EN 1499). The method is better than using air dryers. Plus, the waste-free and eco-friendly nature of cotton towels is a clear advantage when compared to single-use hand towels. (Source: Hjelt Institute 2013; Comparative study of four drying methods)
Towel dispensers included in Lindström’s Washroom Solution dispense a new clean towel for each user and roll the used towels into a separate compartment inside the dispenser. Research has shown that cotton towel rolls are as hygienic as disposable paper towels and considerably more hygienic than air dryers.
Scientifically proven to be a hygienic method for drying hands in public facilities and health care settings
In connection with news coverage of the coronavirus outbreak, we asked people about the best method for drying hands after washing them. Lindström has an unequivocal and research-based answer to this question:
“Research indisputably proves the benefits of our cotton towel solution. We offer each user a clean single-use durable product. After every single use, we wash it. We ensure microbiological cleanliness and the safety of our users throughout the entire process,” says Harri Puputti, Vice President, Quality.

The working principle of Lindström’s towel rolls ensures that each user gets their own hygienic wiping section of the towel. Cotton towel rolls are more efficient than drying with Jet Air Dryer or Warm Air Dryer in removing microbes remaining on hands after washing. (Study by the Hjelt Institute (University of Helsinki) 2012–2013)
“In addition to research data, we also have plenty of practical experience related to hand hygiene in public washroom areas. Disposable paper towels often end up on the floor that means more time for cleaning. Our dispensers keep the clean part of the towel and the dirty part of the towel separate. Thus, preventing contamination while also contributing to the tidiness of the washroom area,” Puputti says.
Lindström’s Washroom Solution offers scientifically proven microbiological cleanliness for drying hands and maintaining good hand hygiene
The microbiological level of cleanliness of towel rolls is ensured through our EN 14065 certified management system. The process involves the disinfection of products using either thermal disinfection or chemical disinfection to destroy microbes. Microbes include bacteria, viruses, yeast fungus, and mould fungus.
We monitor the level of hygiene in different stages of our process through regular process measurements and validation of our washing programs with an independent laboratory.
“The health and safety of our own employees and our customers is of utmost importance to us at Lindström. Good hand hygiene is a fast and easy way to prevent coronavirus infections. Drying your hands after washing them is an important part of hand hygiene. We want to promote general hygiene awareness in this situation by offering our expertise,” Puputti highlights.
Did you know?
Our hand towel system has the Nordic Ecolabel grant in Finland. This means that both the product and the service meet the strict Nordic Ecolabel requirements. We offer cotton towel rolls as a rental service. This operating model is based on a circular economy principle: we collect rolls are from customers after use, wash them using an industrial washing process that meets hospital hygiene standards, repair them if necessary and deliver them back to customers. A single 100% cotton towel roll lasts up to 100 washes, after which we recycle it.