Prodem Hungary awarded for Innovation in Manufacturing
We are honoured to share that Prodem Hungary received the Hungarian Business Awards in the category of Innovation in Manufacturing.
Lindström’s Prodem Hungary was selected for its unique approach of producing small production lots with short delivery times, high flexibility, effectiveness, and quality. The committee also acknowledged the importance of companies from challenging economic environments to remain in the market. This recognition helps preserve the tradition and technical experience of people working in this segment.
A unique approach to sustainable manufacturing
Prodem Hungary started the operation in 2019 when Lindström acquired the factory from a Hungarian company. At that time, the facility was performing at a similar level as the other local competitors and was able to handle only bigger production lots. Thanks to all the strategic investments and efforts, the factory was transformed into one of the most developed garment manufacturing units in the region.
The vision was always to develop the operational processes and the mindset of all the employees towards the PRODEM concept. Prodem is a customer-focused textile manufacturing approach known as PROduction on DEMand. It was created by Lindström in 2015-16 to meet the constantly changing demands of customers. The primary objective of Prodem is to stay close to customers, be responsive to their requirements, and efficiently produce sustainable raw materials, and new, additional, or replacement orders of any size. The method is flexible, and on-demand production can be optimised. Lindström has PRODEM units also in Latvia and India.
Prodem Hungary took some time to undergo transformations, but today it operates with an efficiency of over 80% and dispatch accuracy of over 90%. As a result, we have become one of the most attractive local companies, which is evident from the increasing number of younger people willing to start a job with us.
We express our gratitude to all our colleagues and partners who supported us in achieving these positive results, and we look forward to continuing to work together to develop our company further.
About the award
The Hungarian Business Awards is a prestigious business award for Hungarian companies and company managers. The strategic company information partner of the Hungarian Business Awards is OPTEN Kft., a national company database service provider with a history of over 25 years. They support thousands of business partners, ranging from the smallest to the largest, with accurate, updated, comprehensive databases. The quality and recognition of the award are ensured by a wide range of companies participating in the selection of the winners. Before the awards are given out, the nominees for the award are voted on by alumni who have participated in the leading industry conferences so far.