My commitment to driving results, fostering collaboration, and exploring new horizons is unwavering.

Manas Kumar

Global Director of Pharma, Director of Strategic Marketing and Business Development in APAC
Areas of expertise
#biopharmaceutical #pharma #pharmaceutical

Manas Kumar is a true people person who thrives when wearing multiple hats. In his role at Lindström, Manas stands at the intersection of science, business, and innovation. He aims to drive tangible results, collaborating with clients and building long-term growth strategies for the ever-evolving pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industries. 

“My commitment to driving results, fostering collaboration, and exploring new horizons is unwavering.”

From science to sales: A versatile skill set  

Manas Kumar has an academic background rooted in the sciences — a field that has always intrigued him. He first delved into genetics and molecular biology with a Master’s in Cytogenetics. Next, he bridged the gap between science and business with his MBA. 

Manas’s career kicked off in the corporate communication department at Bridgestone, where versatility and adaptability were a must. He soon transitioned to a sales role, which laid the groundwork for his next career move. 

“This transition was pivotal in my career. It allowed me to fall in love with sales and business development — the art of connecting with diverse people, exploring new places, conquering challenges, and uncovering opportunities.”

Manas brings over 23 years of sales and marketing experience in the textile and cleanroom service industry to his current role. Throughout his nearly 15-year tenure at Lindström, Manas has held various management positions, always prioritising customer needs and business growth while keeping a scientific mindset. 

Putting compliance and sustainability at the forefront 

Manas’s role involves staying up to date with regulatory developments and challenges in the pharmaceutical landscape. 

Pharma is a very technical industry, and our customers have their own language. I need to up my game all the time to develop my knowledge base and explain our solutions in the best way possible.”

Manas’s objective is to reduce the pharma industry’s carbon footprint and help customers become more compliant and sustainable. “Pharma companies are among the most polluting industries. They have a lot of ground to cover, and they’re looking for sustainable solutions.”

Working with cross-functional and multinational teams, Manas turns customer insights into business opportunities. “I like to be in the field, discussing and collecting insights to find out what we can do to further help our customers. Based on these insights, I develop solutions to help solve customer pain points and challenges.”

The future of pharma

As the pharma industry embraces digitalisation, Lindström follows suit with digital solutions. For example, we use smart digital technology to provide companies with an item-level audit trail, showing how long garments have been used, and when and where in the service cycle they’ve been scanned. 

“Our services enable pharmaceutical companies to concentrate on their core activities while Lindström ensures compliant gowning practices aligned with sustainability.”