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Strategic solutions for workwear procurement

Workwear procurement challenges

Every role at your company requires specific workwear. If you are in charge of buying work clothes for a restaurant chain, for example, you are not just getting uniforms for hosts and wait staff; you are also responsible for outfitting the chefs, kitchen staff and other employees. You have to think about the garments each person needs and make sure everyone has the right size. It can be tricky and take up a lot of time. If you are doing the buying yourself, it might also mean spending a lot of money upfront.

Furthermore, as you try to adapt to changing circumstances, such as employee turnover and evolving regulations, you might end up making many small-volume purchases – and at irregular intervals. These small-volume purchases not only drive up costs but lead to unpredictability in prices. Moreover, the lengthy lead times, especially for customised garments, add to your challenges. To ensure availability, you may end up overstocking garments, further increasing costs.

All the time you spend on workwear procurement takes away from doing other important things. It is not just about money; it is also about how much time and effort you have to put in. Making sure all your workwear is clean and safe leaves you with less time to focus on other tasks.

Meeting workwear challenges through Lindström’s solution

Thankfully, there is help at hand. We understand the challenges you face and have developed our workwear procurement solution to help you overcome these challenges. Here is how:

Our state-of-the-art facilities enable us to produce garments according to your changing demands. Ordering garments according to demand means your company always receives the quantity of workwear it needs when it needs it. You therefore avoid excess inventory build-up and minimise the costs of overordering and storing unused garments. It also means minimal upfront costs for you. 
We station our facilities close to our customers. This, combined with our efficient, streamlined processes, ensures no delays and fast turnaround times. In 2023, the average delivery time for garment replacements was just 4.9 days. Local facilities also lead to reduced vehicle carbon emissions.
Every industry has regulations that they have to follow. Some industries need to have stricter regulations than others. Workwear regulations in the pharmaceutical industry, for example, are particularly strict because they have to keep employees safe and protect products from contamination. We closely follow and comply with these regulations, and actively stay on top of any changes.
We have standardised designs for all different types of textiles, whether it be lab coats, restaurant aprons, or hospital bed linens. With our on-demand processes and efficient manufacturing, we ensure garments are readily available to meet your needs. This approach reduces the amount of time it takes to receive your garments and ensures consistency and quality across orders.
What if your company requires special functional elements, such as adding brand logos? Our customisation option caters to your practical needs. However, while we do offer customisation options, it is important to consider their impact on sustainability. Too much customisation can limit the garment’s potential for reuse and disrupt circular economy principles. We always encourage companies to keep in mind the long-term sustainability of their workwear choices.

We handle things with speed and efficiency, so you can get back to focusing on your core tasks!

Purchasing workwear in a sustainable way

While we have touched on the environmental benefits of our solutions, it’s important to understand just how deeply sustainability guides our operations.

In today’s world, sustainability is not just a buzzword – it is a must. At Lindström, we design our solutions with sustainability at their core.

You have already seen how, by following circular economy principles, we minimise overproduction and textile waste in our operations. It is not just because we produce garments on demand, thereby avoiding the need for you to order workwear that goes unused. We also actively try to extend the lifetime of all textiles and produce new ones only when needed. By repairing, recycling and reusing garments, we avoid millions of kilograms of unnecessary textile production.

Another way our solutions contribute to sustainability is by minimising transport mileage. Imagine that your company uses multiple suppliers. Or suppose your company has multiple facilities, and each manages its workwear procurement independently. It would mean increased carbon emissions from multiple vehicles travelling to and from different suppliers. It would also mean more packaging waste from individual deliveries. But we streamline this process for you. Textiles are manufactured in the closest production sites, and workwear is delivered with optimised loads and routes. This minimises the environmental impact associated with transportation.

For us, sustainability is not just a checkbox – it is a fundamental part of who we are and what we do. 

The added value of using Lindström for workwear procurement

So what does this all mean for you? All sectors interested in purchasing workwear – whether it be the construction industry, healthcare or food manufacturing – will gain added value from our solution. The benefits of using our solutions are:

Renting workwear is easy.
Sit back and relax, while we take care of your workwear worries.
Lindström Group