Tag: #circulareconomy
Showing 46 - 55 of 55 results

Cross-ordering gives new life to textiles
The return of one of our garments from a customer is a normal part of our products’ service life cycle. A customer’s employee may have...

Lindström and Rester launch the first industrial-scale textile waste refining business in the Nordics
Finnish multinational textile services group Lindström and the circular economy company Rester Oy have entered into an agreement according to which Rester will start processing...

Lindström joins forces with Reused Remade
Upcycled hotel textiles turn into stylish reusable bag when Lindström joins forces with Reused Remade Lindström is partnering up with Reused Remade to upcycle the...

The journey of workwear
Let us tell you how workwear comes to life: from the design phase to the moment we creatively reuse or repurpose it. This simple process...

Can chemical dissolving solve textile waste issues?
We are taking part in a project piloting technology developed by VTT by collecting old cotton clothes from consumers, dissolving them and processing the resulting fibre raw material into new garments.