Tag: #lindstromlife
Showing 9 - 16 of 34 results

Safe workdays through Health and Safety focus areas in 2024
In an ever-evolving workplace landscape, the importance of the health and safety of the workforce cannot be overstated. Lindstöm’s aim has been – and continues...

Leadership at Lindström: Cultivating the We Care culture
At the heart of our success and the leadership culture at Lindström lies a profound dedication to our core values. Our values are profitable...

In conversation with Olga Gasheva
Olga Gasheva works at Lindström as the Director of Group Financial Reporting and Control, based in Riga, Latvia.

In conversation with Tibor Toplak
Tibor Toplak is one of the sales representatives at Lindström Hungary. According to him, teamwork is the key factor in the daily motivation to work and excel.

In conversation with George Zhao
According to George Zhao, every day at Lindström brings new things to learn and enriches your skill set and personal portfolio.

How is it to work in a tech-enhanced industrial laundry?
Imagine working in an industrial laundry. You probably envision tens of people working side by side, stacking and emptying big washing machines that take up...

Lindströmers in figures
Who are the Lindströmers? From Finland to China, Lindströmers come from 70 different nations, infusing our workplaces with a rich tapestry of cultures. And age? We've got it covered, from Millennials to Boomers and Zoomers alike.

Resilience being tested amid prolonged war in Ukraine
Despite the difficulties and the unimaginable human stress, Ukrainians have persevered in keeping the essential functions of their society running. As part of this, our business units in Ukraine, in Dnipro and Kyiv, have managed to continue business at least partially throughout the war.

Insights from the Voice of Employee survey
Employee engagement is on the rise at Lindström! Read more about our annual "Voice of Employee" survey, measuring employee experience.

Driving DEI in a global organisation
A more diverse workforce brings a variety of perspectives, experiences, and ideas to the table. At Lindström, we have started our DEI journey, toward diversity, equity, and inclusion.