Voice of Partners survey help us develop our partnerships
We have always valued our partners – suppliers, subcontractors and other partners – in our operations. We know that without them we cannot reach our strategic goals and offer sustainable solutions to our customers. Our aim is to build long-term partnerships that bring value and growth to both parties.
The key requirement for building strong partnership is active dialogue and listening to our partners’ praise, concerns, critique, and ideas for developing the co-operation to the next level. To deepen our understanding, we are launching a new Voice of Partners survey. It will complement the ways we interact with our partners and will guide us to strengthen the partnerships further.
The Voice of Partners survey will be conducted twice a year and it will give us valuable insight into areas that need development and action. The first survey round will be in April 2021 and it will cover some 100 suppliers in total from all regions (e.g., garment manufacturers, detergent suppliers, laundry equipment providers) and some selected partnership suppliers. For the future survey rounds, we will investigate the possibility to add subcontractors and IT vendors to the scope as well.
The value of the Voice of Partner survey is realised only when we start taking action and improving our methods of working. That is why we will assign the survey results to relevant person at Lindström who will develop partner co-operation based on the feedback. We want to ensure that the partnerships deliver value to our partners’ businesses, our own business and ultimately, to our customers.