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Voice of Customer: listening to our customers

In 2020, our Voice of Customer program developed further, becoming a way to measure customer satisfaction in real-time in all our countries of operation. Together, various Voice of Customer surveys form a CX (Customer Experience) Index metric. Our overall CX index for 2020 was 8,44 and we are well on the way to reaching our 2025 goal of 8.5.

In 2020 our global Net Promoter Score (NPS) was +45, with our 2025 goal being +50. The score is calculated from our Voice of Customer surveys by subtracting the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters. We now gather feedback for the NPS during the whole year at two different touchpoints: service onboarding of new customers and service usage by our existing customers, and for this reason, it’s not directly comparable to NPS of previous years.

Developing customer experience

CX Week is a great example of how an authentically customer-centric culture is developed bit by bit. Our annual CX Week was organized for the third time in 2020. It’s a global event in which each of our country organizations planned and executed various activities to celebrate our customers.

Also in 2020, we continued our Lindström Lounge concept – where, together with our customers, we develop ideas in innovation workshops. We’ve found that Lindström Lounge contributes to our customers’ experience in both the short and long term, and aim to introduce it globally in 2021.

Partnerships and ecosystems are an increased priority

Our 2020 efforts to support our partnerships and ecosystems included further developing our Workwear Flex service and also signing recycling agreements with several companies, for example, Reused Remade and Rester. We continue to test new service models and seek out new recycling agreements.

In 2021 we will start to measure the Voice of Partner index to ensure our partnerships deliver value to each party and ultimately to our customers. Based on the feedback we will develop our ways of working with our partners.

Lindström Group