Home » Workwear Flex is a real plus for Stora Enso employees

Workwear Flex is a real plus for Stora Enso employees

We are constantly striving to find new opportunities to improve our customer experience, for example through digital services. Our Workwear Flex service uses intelligent technology to make sure there is always enough clean workwear available in a customer’s onsite workwear storage. Our customers can easily monitor the amount of workwear in stock, in use, and in the laundry, and adjust it as needed.  

Stora Enso put our Workwear Flex service to the test at their Lahti packaging solutions plant a year ago. Seppo Reponen, the plant’s occupational health, and safety representative, has experienced the benefits of the automated service in his own work. “Workwear Flex has significantly reduced the hassle and time I’ve had to spend on workwear management. In the past, for example, it took a lot of work to ensure that each summer employee got the right clothes. I had to inquire in advance about workwear sizes and try to evaluate what kind of garments we would need. Plus, additional orders and exchanges took more time as well. Now there are always enough different sizes of clothes in the workwear storage. It has made my job easier.”   

Employees like Workwear Flex too!

Stora Enso’s workers have also been pleased with the service. Reponen continues, “Employees have praised this new service a lot. Of course, at first, there were doubts about whether the service would work. Employees sometimes stored garments in their own lockers just in case.” Now the service has become well established in the daily lives of employees. They report being pleased that clean work clothes are always available.  

Employees have also participated in the development of the service. “For example, based on their feedback, we adjusted the RFID reader to make the garment code easier to read. Furthermore, we organized briefings to ensure that everyone knew how to use the service,” Reponen says.  

Cost savings and operational flexibility  

Stora Enso is introducing a new range of workwear with improved functionality, usability, and sizes that are easily adjustable with buttons and laces. In addition, they have reduced the workwear selection as the work is becoming more and more diverse, with the same clothing being used in different jobs. In connection with this change, other Stora Enso plants are now considering switching to the Workwear Flex  service. “We have been sharing how the service works. Many of our factories are now also interested in using it. I see first-hand how the service makes everyday life easier, and how other locations would benefit in the same way we have. Additionally, it has brought us cost savings and reduced clothing losses,” asserts Reponen. 

Good for companies with seasonal and mobile workers 

Reponen has a clear vision of which kinds of companies the service is suitable for. “Workwear Flex is especially good for industries with many seasonal or mobile workers who routinely change from one location to another and need different workwear. The Workwear Flex service has also proven to be good when we have had a sudden need for extra clothing. For example, during major repair work, the clothes often get dirty or require mending. Extra clothes are now available immediately. You don’t have to wait for the clothes to be washed or repaired.” 

Flexible workwear service.
Lindström Group